Grzegorz Lato
Persons, originating from Poland

Grzegorz Lato

Born 8 April 1950 in Malbork
Grzegorz Bolesław Lato is a former Polish football player. He was the leading scorer at the 1974 World Cup and until 2010 the cap leader for the Polish national team. Lato's playing career coincided with the golden era of Polish football.This era began with Olympic gold in Munich in 1972 and ended a decade later with third place at the 1982 World Cup in Spain, a repeat of the Poles' impressive finish in 1974 in Germany. He is the only Polish player ever to win the Golden boot at a World Cup.
From 2001 to 2005 Lato, as a member of Democratic Left Alliance, was a senator in Poland. From 2008 until 2012 he was President of Polish Football Association
Grzegorz Lato in 1973            

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Polonica stamps:

Liberia 1997, 01 X
Uganda 1997, 03 X